Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Loving Kindness Exercise

This exercise was different for me than the other exercises that we have done so for. I found it difficult to concentrate for the entire time allotted on the CD. In the text it states that if you are not able to concentrate for the full time, to gradually work up to the allotted time. I admit that for the last 3 minutes of the exercise that I was surfing the Internet and checking my Facebook page. Sorry professor!

However, even though I could not seem to concentrate the entire time, I did find the exercise beneficial. I have always had difficulty with expressing love for others and for myself. This made this exercise hard for me, but at the same time I think it made it more effective because I really noticed the difference. When I allowed myself to focus love and kindness on my loved one, myself, a friend in need, and then made me embrace love and push it out for others to also benefit from.

When I was partaking in this exercise I felt very relaxed. At first when she told me to think of a person who I hold very dear to me, the emotional response was almost overwhelming. When I was projecting love and kindness out towards everyone, I actually felt a tingling sensation in my outer limbs. Overall, this was a different experience than any I have ever experienced to date. I would 100% recommend this exercise to others because it makes the individual look inward at themselves and to express love and kindness outwards towards others. Both are activities that do not occur often enough in today's fast paced society.

The idea behind a mental workout is just that, in order to keep a mind at its best, it needs to be worked. Just like with the physical body, ideally the mind should be worked every day. According to Dacher (2006), research and personal accounts have listed the following as positive improvements from mental workouts: provides enhanced resistance to mental distress along with physical disease; expands our healing capability; and helps our general wellbeing.

As I mentioned above, implementing mental workouts, or meditation/prayer into your daily life can be highly beneficial to the physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. In order to implement this into your life, it is encouraged to start smaller so it is easier to implement into your life and to stick with. Then gradually increase to 1 hour sessions a day, usually the morning time is recommended.

Dacher, E.S. (2006). Integral Health: the path to human flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Crime of the Century - relaxation exercise

This relaxation exercise was not as good as last units, in my opinion. I did find that it was relaxing, but very slow. My favorite part was when he said to put all the colors back together and imagine a bright white light all around you. That made me feel very happy, calm and relaxed. So much so that I did not want to end the exercise which is surprising because I felt it was very long! This exercise actually reminded me of my Hypnosis for Sleep CD that instructs you to focus on every part of the body from the feet to the top of the head, and then back down to the feet. Overall, I thought this exercise was did what it was intended to do.

~ Personal Goals ~

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your physical wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing, and psychological wellbeing?

Physical wellbeing - 4

Spiritual wellbeing - 6

Psychological wellbeing - 7

I know that I have a long ways to go to achieve optimal wellbeing. Personally my physical wellbeing is the area that I am the most deficient in. I need to get into shape, lose some weight, and incorporate healthier habits into my life. Spiritually I think I need to get closer to nature. I find a lot of spiritual peace when I am surrounded by nature. Psychologically I think I am doing okay. There are a few things that I could improve, mainly I need to believe in myself and stop second guessing my abilities.

Physical wellbeing - Goal: Incorporate more physical activity into my daily life. I can do this by parking farther away from the entrance at work/market/etc.

Spiritual wellbeing - Goal: Make more time to spend with my horses. I have noticed that just spending time grooming them relaxes me and makes me feel at peace with life.

Psychological wellbeing - Goal: Believe in myself and my ability to achieve what I want in life. I can do this by leaving notes around the house that remind me to think positive and that I have the power to achieve my goals.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spirit Animal - guided imagery

This past week at the end of our seminar, the class did an exercise with guided imagery and spirit animals. At first I was a little unsure about the whole thing, but once the exercise started I became open to the experience and was amazed by it!

We started by getting in a comfortable position in a room away from any commotions. We pictured ourselves in a meadow surrounded by woods. In the woods is a river/stream and on the other side of the woods is the beach and then the ocean. We are told that we are feel safe and secure in our environment, free of any fear. We can choose to stay in the meadow, go into the forest, sit by the river/stream, or continue on to the beach. I chose to go and sit by the river and chose a comfortable rock by the bank.

Then we look up and an animal is approaching us. Again, we feel no fear, and are completely at ease. This animal is our own spirit animal. The animal that approached me was a grey wolf. We ask our spirit animal the question that we came to ask. My question is if I was on the correct path (with my life). Without talking, the grey wolf communicated to me that I was doing good, but needed to become closer to the earth and nature. With this, he gave me a present which was a smooth river rock.

After the exercise, our professor read us what some of the animals meant and I do not remember what the wolf meant. I do remember that I was surprised that it fit my current situations however.

Overall I was AMAZED at this exercise. The mind is an amazing thing! I did not realize that I was feeling disconnected from nature until this exercise. I cannot wait to find out what we do this next week in seminar!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Journey to Relaxation

The 15 minute exercise was different than anything I have ever done in the past. I have listened to a couple hypnosis for sleep which also, of course, focuses on relaxation. This exercise was noticeably different because it left me feeling relaxed and more energized!

I elected to listen to the file will sitting in my recliner. I noticed that as soon as he would suggest something, my body would immediately begin to do it before I even asked it to. This was very peculiar to experience! As soon as he said to focus on sending blood up the shoulders to the arms and hands, my fingers started tingling. The most enjoyable part of the exercise for me was how relaxed my shoulders were after it. I tend to hold a lot of my stress in my shoulders.

Overall I loved the exercise!

Welcome to my first blog!

As you all know, my name is Naomi and I am a student at Kaplan University - Online. Sorry that it took me so long to get my blog going...I was having technical difficulties (actually I think it was operator error). But now I am here, and I think I've gotten the hang of it!

Through the next 8 weeks, my postings will primarily be about mind, body, and spiritual health. However, I may get an inkling to share something else, so stay tuned!